
October 11, 2014

The One In the Hat

Hey guys, welcome to Chloe Belle, a blog about God, Lifestyle, and everything encompassed within that - which is pretty much everything. So instead of posting an article about why I created this blog and what I hope it brings to the those of you who read it, I am just going to get started.

Let's talk hats for a second. They are adorable, sometimes flashy, and other times "please take it off". But what all hats have in common is the ability to draw attention. When I was little my dad always wore a baseball cap, as he does to this day. If we were in a big crowd or a person asked me who my dad was, I would say, "He's the one in the hat".

Hats make a statement. They express who you are. Sports guy, Colts fan, hipster, skater, hippie, or fashionista. They have a way of telling your story. They can also be deceiving. I think you know what I'm getting at.

Maybe your wearing that baseball cap because you like it, or maybe you're wearing it because you want to like it. (There's a difference). Let's be real for a minute, we all do things to try to be something, someone else, and I am as guilty as the next person. We define and compare ourselves to the people around us, and many times people we don't even know. Why? Why do we wear hats that don't fit right? Hats that don't look good on us. Whatever happened to originality among the "in" crowd.

Forget about looking like that girl you think is AMAZING and GORGEOUS and just be yourself. Don't wear her hat; wear yours.

One other thing that is true about hats is that two people can never wear the same hat at one given time. Even if you do define yourself by someone else's standards, you will wear their hat differently. You will never be another person. You can improve yourself and change, but you can never become someone else. So why try? It's a fight that's not worth fighting.

Go ahead and wear your hat; wear it with confidence. Just make sure it fits you and no one else. Because individuality is one of the most beautiful hats ever.



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