'Inhales and takes a deep breath. Closes eyes and realizes everything is finished.'
I used to find myself doing nothing and procrastinating everything, and now I just don't have time. I can't seem to find that moment when I feel like everything is done. You know that happy place where everything smells like apple cider and coffee, the place where all of your family is in one place happily sitting on the couch together, if just for a moment? That perfect second when you call your friend and they are there, free and ready to do whatever tonight? I want this moment. I need this moment. Like now.
But then again, who doesn't. Who's life isn't a mess? A little kid's maybe? Some days I just want to be 6 years old. Not worried about relationships, school, work, or responsibility. Not worried about tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. Just happy to live for the moment.
If you haven't realized by this point that I have been completely stressed out, I am telling you straight up - I have been completely stressed out! I know I'm not the only one, and if your life has been absolute chaos this week, I feel you. But today is my first official day on break and I am breathing easy. No work, not even a little bit. No books, no due dates, no papers, no anything for 9 days. Thank you blessed Lord.
So for those of you that are on a Fall Break or for those of you that just feel relieved, enjoy this small moment in time because we all know it lasts for just a few easy breaths. And for all of you who are still working and still hitting the daily grind, you can do it. I needed somebody to tell me that this week, so I am telling you now. You can do it. All you have to do is breath, the rest will follow.
breath easy,